Food Distribution
This is not required however, if you are unable to register in person at a distribution site, please submit a request for registration here. All information provided is confidential. Once you have filled out the form, a staff member will call you within 1-2 business days to complete registration. *Registration is not complete until a food bank representative provides you with an ID number.
Food Distribution Schedules
Find food distributions and food pantries in Sarasota, Laurel/Nokomis, Venice, North Port, Englewood and Arcadia.
Food for children 18 and under in Sarasota and DeSoto
SNAP (FOOD STAMPS) Application Assistance: All Faiths Food Bank provides assistance to individuals in Sarasota and DeSoto counties who would like to enroll for SNAP benefits. Please contact our food insecurity team for assistance.
For Sarasota County:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 941-379-6333 x 150
For Desoto County:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 941-379-6333 x 21301
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.