Benefits Assistance


A woman and child smile for the camera.

All Faiths Food Bank’s food insecurity team helps neighbors understand and apply for federal and local benefits to increase financial stability. Our team works with the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR), Seasons of Sharing and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to educate and guide you through the application process.

Text APPT to 941-379-6333 to schedule your appointment today.

SNAP/Medicaid/TANF Application Assistance

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can help you stretch your food budget and make ends meet. Depending on income guidelines, SNAP recipients are allocated a specific dollar amount loaded onto a debit card, which can be used to buy groceries.

Use your SNAP benefits at:
  • Grocery stores and many convenience stores
  • Some farmers markets
  • Some online grocery retailers (Walmart, Amazon and Aldi)

Apply for SNAP (formerly known as food stamps), Medicaid and TANF (Florida Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) today!

For questions or to schedule your FREE application assistance, contact us:

Text ‘APPT’ to 941-379-6333 or call us

Sarasota County
Karen Iovino | 941.379.6333 ext. 150
Cassandra Sanchez | 941.376.0120 (bilingual)

DeSoto County
Odella Rivas | 941.379.6333 ext. 21301 (bilingual)
Janie Ramirez | 941.379.333 ext. 21307 (bilingual)
Maria Guerrero | 941.379.6333 ext. 21303 (bilingual)
Miguel Iribar | 941.379.6333 ext. 21304 (bilingual)


In-person assistance sites

Apply Independently

You can also apply for SNAP benefits directly without assistance.

Social Security and Disability Application Assistance

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or “Disability” provides monthly payments to people who have a disability that stops or limits their ability to work.

  • A disability or blindness and
  • Enough work history

Text ‘APPT’ to 941-379-6333 to schedule your appointment.

DeSoto County residents can make a FREE appointment by contacting:

Odella Rivas | 941.379.6333 ext. 21301

Financial Aid Requests

We partner with Season of Sharing fiscal agents to help our neighbors request one-time financial assistance for:

  • Rent/mortgage
  • Utilities
  • Transportation repairs
  • Childcare

Text ‘APPT’ to 941-379-6333 to schedule your appointment.

To make a FREE appointment, please contact:

Sarasota County
941.379.6333 ext. 150

DeSoto County
Odella Rivas | 941.379.6333 ext. 21301

Tax Assistance

In partnership with the IRS’ VITA (Volunteer Income TAX Assistance) program and United Way, we offer FREE tax return assistance for households with incomes under $79,000 a year (year-round sites are by appointment only).

So far in 2024, we have filed more than 200 tax returns – refunding nearly $345,000 back to our neighbors!

It’s not too late to file your tax return to claim your Earned Income or Child Tax Credit for 2023, 2022 and 2021.

Text ‘APPT’ to 941-379-6333 to schedule your appointment.

To make a FREE appointment, please contact:

Sarasota County
941-379-6333 ext. 150

DeSoto County
Odella Rivas | 941-379-6333 ext. 21301